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Meet Bohemian Fatema

Posted on 26 May 2020

Hello I am Bohemian Fatema


What is your name, and where are you based?

Bohemian Fatema - Bahrain

What is your profession?


What is your story?

A Bahrain hybrid, 25 years old, ex- so many careers. But fell in love with yoga in India,2015 and been trying to spread it along with body positivity awareness specifically yoga body stereotypes.

How has COVID-19 effected you ?

Mainly not being able to use my studio. I have used my new studio just 3 classes before the shutdown, so currently behind financially drained along with not being able to practice any physical postures adjustment for over 3 months

What have you done to stay involved and up to date during Quarantine times?

Online classes and free delivery for my products

What services are you currently offering, and how can our followers contact you?

Online classes ( 4 different types of yoga) and yogic, skincare and aroma products. You can direct message me to place an order. You can reach me at  @bohemianfatema • @bohemian.being . My website is www.bohemianfatema.com .

When will you be going Live with Tru ? 

Wednesday June 3rd 2020 at 7:30 PM. Catch me on instagram on @truactivebh 

What's your favorite Tru Active item and why ?

is " All " an item? jk. Milkshake leggings even thou i have exhausted them lol. 

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